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Best hair transplant clinic world

Best hair transplant clinic in the world is the one which provides high quality services at an affordable rates. You can find many centers with the above mentioned qualities in countries like Pakistan, Turkey and India etc. These countries have made much progress in the field of cosmetic surgery. Their doctors are the specialists of this field and their skills and work are unmatchable. Along with the experience and great skills, the most amazing thing is that these doctors and facilitation centers are providing these services at the cheapest rates in comparison to other countries. That’s why, people, all around the globe, specifically go there to have these surgical treatments.

Best hair transplant clinic world

Best hair restoration procedure in the world

Best hair transplant clinic World

Pakistan is ranked on the top of the list when we talk about the best hair transplant clinic in the world. The doctors perform these surgical procedures using the latest techniques of this field. One method is FUT. It is also called as strip excision method because in this procedure, a strip of skin is removed from the donor area, usually the back from the scalp, instead of plucking out the graft units individually. The graft units are then extracted from that strip of skin, and after proper processing; they are placed artistically into the recipient area. However, there are some drawbacks in this method like a long linear scar mark is left behind because of the stitches which are used to join the edges of the remaining skin after strip excision. Moreover, the risk of complications like infections is greater because of the large exposure of the underlying tissue to external environment. These drawbacks are overcome by FUE method. In this method, there is no need of stitches because graft units are extracted out from the donor skin using special micro motors after giving small circular incisions around the follicles leaving small pores which heal themselves quickly. So, no scar mark is left in the end and scalp looks natural. Moreover, the chances of infections are minimal. That’s why; FUE is regarded as the latest method. These procedures are being done efficiently and the results are remarkable.

Affordable prices

Another thing that makes Pakistan having the best hair transplant clinic in the world is the price of hair restoration treatments. Pakistan offers cheaper rates as compared to the other western countries like USA. The cost here starts from $1,500 which is very low as compared to USA and other countries where the price of FUT or FUE usually ranges from $4,000 to $15,000.

Travel abroad for the best results from the best surgeon 

Best hair transplant clinic in the world is the choice of every bald person who has no issues with travel expenses and is very concerned about their looks and beauty. To conclude the above discussion, we can say that skillful doctors, latest techniques and cheapest rates make a country and its facilitation centers best in the world, and Pakistan is currently providing all these services. So, if you are suffering from baldness or any other related condition and want your surgery to be done by skillful specialists at the cheapest rates, Pakistan will be the fittest choice.

To get an estimate of grafts and price you may send your baldness area close up photos through WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999

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