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Fue hair transplant in Pakistan is a best or top demanding procedure for hair regrowth and restoration now a day. Hair loss is a common among people of all ages so one of the best, quicker and popular hair regrowth methods to get your hair back is Follicular unit extraction. It could prove an incredible procedure because everyone wanted hair to look perfect so nobody would deny the importance of the hair loss treatments. The world is advancing rapidly; hundreds of techniques have been invented for hair transplant. People always demand for permanent, easy and quicker ways when it comes to enhance their beauty. For instance, in some methods hair from body, beard and chest can be implanted to head.

FUE stands for Follicle Unit Extraction or FT (follicle transplant). It is a natural, highly successful, clean and permanent procedure. The technique comprises on few steps. Actually, you have to deal with skin canals also known as holes. This procedure is time taking yet results are long lasting. The survival of follicular units while grafting extraction from scalp could play indispensable role in successful transplantation while if follicular unit are disssected while extraction then the likelihood of the survival of follicular unit will decrease.

People are worried which procedure should they prefer for transplant; here are some points to describe for whom FUE hair transplant is useful for:

  • People with Hair loss issues
  • People with Baldness
  • People whose Hairline going receding or backward


FUE hair transplant in Pakistan is performed by Board Certified hair restoration surgeon at our clinic. The process begins with local anesthesia and whole procedure takes 5 hours. First step is collection or harvesting of grafts. The grafts are removed from the patient’s donor area. The harmful impacts would lessen, if grafts are extracted initially anesthetizing the particular donor area. Micro punch method is used to extract grafts with approximately 0.8 – 0.9 mm wide and 5 – 6 mm long, with a micro motor. In the second step, slits are made in the patient’s skin. There are a lot of slits to implant hair in it. Afterwards, surgeon will remove follicles from the scalp. As we know, the holes are small so they are broadening before doing this. Handles are being used in this process.

The final step is implantation. In this process, hairs are transplanted in the skin like someone plants a seed in the soil. The hair are transplanted through the slits and then closed.


It is almost clear that you can do whatever you want still all kind of treatments require some recovery period. Some things are prohibited in this period like do not workout, do not swim, do not wear caps etc.


  • Grafts are more liable to damage and the quality depends upon the surgeon’s experience.
  • Larger donor area is required as compared to other procedures while the backside is harvested.
  • It is a little expensive.


  • Scars are almost invisible because small and round punches.
  • The pain is minimal.
  • Hair line may look natural and thicker hair almost like your original one. So they would not get visible separately. Hair grows constantly.
  • So less recovery time is required and the process is not much complicated.


To summarize, the whole procedure of FUE hair transplant in Pakistan is performed under strict hygienic conditions. It could be proved beneficial. All kind of procedures will let you go through a little pain but follicular unit extraction will give you mild discomfort. The handling of grafts while extracting from donor area, inspection and placement are crucial for successful growth.



To Free Call: +92333-430-9999

Cosmoderma Hair Transplant Medical Centre is located in Gulberg (Lahore), where our specialized medical team offers a full range of cosmetic treatments and of course the most cutting-edge available techniques in hair implant, including the FUE method.

All our treatments are supervised by fully qualified doctor with a long expertise (a hair restoration surgeon) supported a team of nurses. Our staff is also fluent in several languages to provide you with any kind of help you may need when you come for your hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan.